
  • Making The Invisible, Visible

    There is a universe all around us that we never see.  We live side by side with microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and algae but remain largely unaware of their presence. Having access to a quality microscope changes that.  Students of all ages are captivated by the incredible detail they can discern with…

  • Can A Foldable Microscope, The Foldscope, Impact The World?

    In 2010, Manu Prakash, a young professor at Stanford University, and his student, Jim Cybulski, encountered a similar problem. The microscopes provided to them were usually broken or there was a lack of access to them altogether. This is what gave them the idea for the Foldscope. They wanted to create a very inexpensive microscope…

  • Discover A Whole New World With Something So Simple, Yet Highly Efficient

    The foldscope motto is brilliant – “magnifying curiosity worldwide!” It has been 350 years since Robert Hooke published Micrographia, and revealed the microscopic world that had been previously invisible to the masses. Micrographia was the first scientific best-seller, and made science both accessible and popular to an entire generation. Much of what we know in…